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City Pharmacy Limited Partners with Nasfund Contributors Savings & Loans Society to Offer Exclusive Discounts to its Members

City Pharmacy Ltd (CPL) and Nasfund Contributors Savings & Loan Society Ltd (NCSL) have renewed their partnership agreement, solidifying their commitment to providing exclusive benefits to 150,000 active NCSL members. Effective November 15, 2024, this three-year mporo Plus (mPP) Discount Agreement enables NCSL members to enjoy exclusive discounts on select items at City Pharmacy, enhancing access to essential goods and services while supporting member savings.

Under the terms of the agreement, NCSL members will receive a 30% discount on all medical prescriptions and a 10% discount on all purchases at City Pharmacy, with certain exclusions such as digital products, baby formula, and concession lines. The discount program is available at all City Pharmacy outlets nationwide and will continue until either party chooses to terminate the agreement with prior notice.

Mr. Pradeep Panda, Head of Pharmacy at City Pharmacy, shared CPL’s commitment to extending this benefit nationwide. “We aim to be a trusted partner and prefer a more collaborative partnership with all our existing business partners, and this is a step towards that. With CPL’s presence in 19 provinces, this agreement covers all City Pharmacy outlets nationwide. NCSL members in other provinces can simply
walk into any City Pharmacy shop in their province of residence, present their NSCL members ID card, and access the discounts.”

Speaking at the signing, Mr. Frans Kootte, the Chief Executive Officer of NCSL expressed his appreciation. “We are extremely happy and deeply appreciative of the collaboration with City Pharmacy. As a Savings and Loan society, our focus is on supporting the everyday needs of our members and the people of Papua New Guinea. It’s vital that we contribute not only to the financial well-being of our members but also to the overall development of Papua New Guineans.”

This collaboration marks an exciting milestone for CPL and NCSL Savings and Loan as they work together to deliver valuable benefits to NCSL members across the country.

Media Release (Archives)

Savings Influence on Family

Romentha Ben, an employee of Namba Wan Trophy Limited and who is a member of NCSL Savings and Loan since 2015, experienced the collective benefits of saving and supporting one another.

Romentha shared, “My father, also an NCSL member, saved with Education Savings and paid for my tuition fees. Witnessing the benefits firsthand, I understood the importance of saving and joined NCSL Savings and Loan upon formal employment.”

Over the years, Romentha has utilised her savings for significant purchases whilst providing family support. “The first item I bought was a 350-liter fridge for my mother from Brian Bell. In the same year, I purchased posts for the house and roofing iron to assist my parents in building their home. Recognizing the importance of education, I also prioritized supporting my siblings’ schooling. In 2020, I allocated a portion of my education savings specifically for this purpose, helping to pay for my siblings’ school fees and ensuring they could continue their education without financial barriers. Recently, I even bought a phone using my savings.”

Romentha advises everyone who has kids, to start saving for their future, even when it is every fortnight with a small amount.  “Many Papua New Guineans have financial obligations and struggle to save for school fees. NCSL’s Education Savings helps members to save specifically for this purpose and saving e.g. K20 or K50 fortnightly can make a significant difference.”

At NCSL Savings and Loan, we are committed to serving our members by providing financial services that empower our members and enhance their financial well-being.   Stories like Romentha’s inspire us and affirm our impact on the community. By joining NCSL Savings and Loan, and saving regularly, members can achieve financial security and support their families, just like Romentha.

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NCSL’s Impactful Session at NBPOL Kapiura!

Visiting New Britain Palm Oil’s (NBPOL) Kapiura site Construction Department was adventuresome. Our Kimbe team had a productive awareness session last week Saturday with numerous staff in attendance.

The employees at Kapiura were overwhelmingly positive and glad that our team had visited them bringing much needed financial information. They expressed gratitude for the valuable information provided, highlighting how the session helped them understand the importance of financial planning and management.

At NCSL Savings & Loan, we’re happy to offer these financial awareness sessions to assist our members and the community to make wise financial decisions to take control of their finances. We help our members climb a ladder of increasing wealth and greater security in their income. It is our commitment to serve and bring our products and services to our members.

A big thank you to the Kapiura staff for their enthusiasm and engagement! 

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Building Staff Financial Stability through His Profession

Andrew Topo is no stranger to NCSL Savings & Loan. He is an industrious HR professional who has been a
strong advocate promoting financial literacy and savings culture within the private sector workforce.
In today’s Society, where traditional Melanesian and Western cultures mix, Andrew is focused on changing
the mindset from borrowing to saving, which helps improve financial stability and work performance.
Andrew commended NCSL Savings and Loan for their important role since they started in 2003. “NCSL has
been playing a key role in teaching and empowering Papua New Guineans to save, offering short to
medium-term financial solutions” said Mr. Topo. He further added that “This effort supports PNG Vision
2050, which aims to create a Smart, Wise, Fair, Healthy, and Happy Society by 2050”.

Employers are also crucial in promoting this savings culture among their workers. Andrew has helped set
up important arrangements, like with Dulux Group, allowing their members employees to use the Long
Service Leave (LSL) Product from NCSL. This partnership shows his commitment to improving financial
security for employees.

Andrew continues to be a strong advocate for savings, encouraging employees to start saving and build a
secure financial future. Whilst in the busy retail sector, Andrew created the opportunity for staff to save,
“I am passionate about the savings culture, and I strive to convince and change the mindset of many to save,” says Andrew. His efforts are making a big impact, helping to create a more financially secure future
for the community.

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Happy International Credit Union Day

In celebration of International Credit Union Day, we extend our warmest wishes to all financial institutions and their members.

International Credit Union Day, celebrated annually on the third Thursday of October since 1948, recognizes the global credit union movement’s spirit and achievements. This day is significant as it honors the cooperative principles that credit unions are built upon, emphasizing the importance of community and mutual support. This year’s theme, “One World Through Cooperative Finance,” highlights how credit unions unite people through member-owned financial institutions that prioritize people over profit.

Unlike traditional banks, we focus on our members ensuring that profits are returned to you through interest on savings.

At NCSL Savings & Loan, it is our passion to offer the community transparent and affordable financial products and services, supported with financial and digital literacy training.

We remain committed to serving our members to enhance their lives with innovative financial solutions. Join us in celebrating the unique benefits of being part of NCSL Savings & Loan and the positive impact we make together.


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No Regrets With Saving Money

NCSL is excited to share the inspiring story of Agnes Philip from Tanga in New Ireland Province.

For over 10 years, Agnes has been a devout NCSL contributor during her career as a Senior Administration Officer at Pacific Industries in Kokopo, East New Britain Province.

Her dedication to saving money has not only changed her perspective towards life but also made a significant difference within her immediate family and community she lives in.

Starting her savings journey with NCSL, Agnes had one dream in mind to accomplish and that was securing a better future for her three daughters.

Spending 3 decades with her current employer and reflecting back, Agnes says, “Saving money under education savings account was crucial.”

Life was tough as a single mother back then with three daughters whom at that time were school aged children. Agnes had to do financial planning with care and commitment to ensure she saved more than enough for her daughters to be able to fulfil their educational dreams and build successful careers over time.

Over the years, Agnes recalls investing K100,000 in total towards her daughters’ education through her savings, whilst also providing them the necessary resources needed to succeed. Today, her daughters are thriving in their professional fields, with two becoming successful entrepreneurs in doing small businesses in their community and another following her mother’s footsteps in administration.

Agnes’s story tells the importance of saving money and its wide-reaching benefits. By focusing on education savings, she not only secured her daughters’ educational futures but also helped improve her community.

It is heart-warming for NCSL to hear success stories of our members and their families. Our support in reaching members’ financial aspirations and building a better future for everyone fulfils the purpose we serve.

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Scheduled System Maintenance Works

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Hagen Branch Early Closure

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Popondetta Branch Open To Serve You

Undergoing Maintenance

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