Savings & Loans FAQ
  • What is a General Savings account?
    Primary Savings Account for all purposes
  • What is the account opening fee?
    The fee to open a new General Savings account is K20.00
  • Can I access General Savings anytime?
    Yes, NCSL members can access their General Savings Account anytime but are limited to 1 transaction per month such as making a transfer within your accounts preferably Poro Account
  • Do I get paid interest?
    Yes, with General Savings account members are paid an annual interest of 1.5%
  • How Do I Open a General Savings account?
    To open a General Savings account you will be required to complete
    the new membership applications form and submit it at any ncsl
    branches with a copy of your valid identification. You can email your applications to NCSL Call Centre Team on
  • What is a personal 1:1 loan?
    A personal loan product that allows NCSL members to get a secured
    loan and can borrow up to the total current savings balance in the
  • What is the interest rate?
    NCSLpersonal 1:1 loan interest is 12 % per annum
  • How can I apply for a personal loan 1:1?
    You can apply for a personal 1:1 loan by completing a loan
    application and lodging this at any of ncsl branches or
    Apply via NCSL digital services such as personal online services or
    mobile USSD services
  • What is the turnaround time?
    Loan is processed instantly once approved and is credited to your
    poro account
  • Where can I go to get more information?
    You can call into any of NCSL branches to seek further information
    and or assistance or call NCSL call centre on 207 2000 and email
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